Cheryl L. Wase Memorial Scholarship for the Study of Archaeology

The application period is open.

2024 2025 Cheryl L. Wase Scholarship Application(Word)

Paper applications should be emailed If you have any questions about the application process, please

The Cheryl L. Wase Memorial Scholarship for the Study of Archaeology provides funding for undergraduate education in archaeology. It is awarded to women who are residents of New Mexico and pursuing a Bachelor=s Degree in Anthropology with a specialization in archaeology from a fully accredited university in the state of New Mexico (Eastern New Mexico University, New Mexico State University, or University of New Mexico).

Archaeologist Cheryl L. Wase spent most of her career working in the high deserts of New Mexico. She died at the too young age of 53 in 2004. When her mother, Jane Francy Wase, passed away in 2013, she left a bequest to the SAA to endow a memorial scholarship in her daughter=s name. This generous memorial bequest brings together three major themes that defined Cheryl Wase=s life: her dedication to archaeology, her love for New Mexico, and her constant willingness to help and support other women.

The Wase Scholarships cover the cost of tuition/course fees and books for all classroom and field based courses included in an accredited curriculum to earn a Bachelor=s degree in Anthropology with a Emphasis/Focus/Concentration in Archaeology. A specialization in archaeology determined to be an Emphasis in Archaeology (ENMU students), a focus on Archaeology (NMSU students) or a Concentration in Archaeology (UNM students). The scholarship is renewable for up to five years, as long as the recipient remains enrolled, maintains a 3.0 grade point average, and continues to pursue a Bachelor=s Degree in Anthropology with a specialization in Archaeology. Amount awarded is variable as is the number of scholarships available each year.


Applications are encouraged from women at least 18 years of age who are New Mexico residents and enrolled (or planning to enroll) at Eastern New Mexico University, New Mexico State University, or the University of New Mexico, and majoring in or intending to major in Anthropology with a specialization in Archaeology in pursuit of a Bachelor=s Degree (BA or BS).

Application Materials

The required application materials consist of the following items:

1) An application form (downloaded from link at top of page) that includes your background information.

2) A personal statement that explains why you are interested in archaeology and how this scholarship will help to advance your educational and professional goals. Describe your potential career paths, future professional degrees, and work in archaeology-related fields, government archaeology (e.g., National Park Service, Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management), cultural resource management archaeology, and academia. Describe how your choice of archaeology program might help you attain those goals. Important program attributes might include ongoing research by particular professors, access to museum collections, archaeology job possibilities, collaboration with other fields (geology, chemistry, geography etc.), among other opportunities.

3)提出的预算,资金将如何解释道be expended and how this scholarship will help you succeed in fulfilling your professional goals. The budget may include tuition and course fees (including for field school), books, etc.

4) A statement of proposed study that describes the program you hope to participate in, including your schedule for completing a BA or BS in Anthropology with an Emphasis in Archaeology (ENMU students), Focus on Archaeology (NMSU students), or Concentration in Archaeology (UNM students). This statement should include a plan that proposes the required and elective courses you will need and when you will take them.

5) Two letters of recommendation from individuals familiar with your academic or work background that describe the applicant=s past successes and future potentials.

6) Proof of NM Residency (as shown in student=s Banner Record using their student ID number).

7) A copy of the requirements for the major in Anthropology and Emphasis (ENMU students), Focus (NMSU students), or Concentration in Archaeology (UNM students) at your university and a signed statement from the Anthropology departmental advisor indicating that you are making normal progress through the program.

8) A copy of your transcript showing the courses you have completed and your current GPA. If you are a high school student or home schooled, you must also include a copy of your SAT/ACT scores.


Application and nomination materials should be emailed If you do not receive an email confirmation, please contact SAA Communications and Fundraising Manager Amy Rutledge, who facilitates distribution to the Wase Memorial Scholarship Committee for review.

For questions about the applications process, please contact the Chair of theWase Memorial Scholarship Committee.

Other Requirements

Prior to any award recommendation being finalized and publicly announced, anyone recommended for an award, scholarship, or grant will be required to certify the following:

(a) I am not and have not ever been the subject of a discrimination or harassment lawsuit or related administrative complaint that resulted in an adverse finding; and

(b) I do not have and have not had a current or pending disciplinary action such as suspension or termination of registration, resulting from a Register of Professional Archaeologists’ grievance investigation.


Erin Cassidy
Jo Lynne Fenger
Jessica Hilfers
Jessie Johnson
Robin Kibler
Abriella Muniz