Teacher Training & Field Opportunities

The following organizations provide opportunities and resources for educators to learn about teaching archaeology. There are programs that bring archaeological lessons into the classroom, and ones that get students and teachers directly involved in archaeological research.

American Foreign Academic Research (AFAR)

AFAR was founded by an archaeologist and educator in the Flagler County, Florida Public Schools. This non-profit organization offers a Maya studies field school for high school students at the Maya sites of Cahal Pech and Baking Pot in the Cayo District of Western Belize. It is open to all high school students through competitive—but non grade-based—application process.

Archaeology in the Community

In a partnership with the Montpelier Foundation, Archaeology in the Community offers the LEARN Archaeology Expedition Program for grade school teachers. Full scholarships are available.

Center for American Archeology

这个组织提供夏季考古交易ining programs for students 14-17 years and an adult field school, which includes excavation and laboratory analysis.

Crow Canyon Archaeological Research Center

This not-for-profit organization in Colorado offers a variety of archaeological education programs for adults, teens, and families. They also provide special courses for educators that are aligned with national education standards in social studies, geography, history, and science. Crow Canyon offers one-week summer programs for middle school students and a three week summer program for high school students.

Earthwatch Institute

This non-profit organization offers short term volunteer opportunities directly assisting scientists in the field. There are opportunities for both educators and students to participate in archaeological field expeditions, and both may apply for education fellowships to support their participation.

Mississippi Valley Archaeology Center (MVAC)

Located at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, MVAC conducts research in the Upper Mississippi River Valley and offers archaeology classes and field schools for teachers and students.

Old Pueblo Archaeology Center

Old Pueblo Archaeology Center’s field school offers teachers an opportunity to excavate at Marana’s Yuma Wash site, where Native Americans of the Hohokam and Salado cultures lived between A.D. 750 and early 1400. Teacher workshops and programs for children are also available.

Passport in Time (P.I.T.)

Passport in Time is a volunteer program of the USDA Forest Service, accepts volunteers to assist with archaeological surveys and excavations on national forests. The P.I.T. website lists, by state and by date, those projects currently accepting volunteers.

Project Archaeology

This joint program of Montana State University and the Bureau of Land Management offers workshops and educational resources. Project Archaeology workshops are conducted by facilitators who provide training and mentoring to local educators who wish to incorporate archaeology into their classroom teaching. Workshop participants receive the Project Archaeology activity guides, designed for Grades 4-7, or one of their curriculum guides (Grades 3-5). Online courses are also offered.